Gallery: Fall Ball – Lennard at Newsome 10/4/21

Lennard second baseman Sebastian Munoz waits on a throw as Newsome’s Ryan Spitzer slides into the bag. (#21-738)
Our editor, Jarrett, will be bouncing around this Fall catching some of the action from around the 813. We welcome any fan or parent submissions of photos from fall ball games in Hillsborough County, you can send those to Hopefully, we’ll see you at a game soon!
To purchase our photos, please review our “Photo Policy” by clicking here.
- Newsome SS Lucas Phelps (#21-739)
- Lennard’s John Smith (#21-740)
- Newsome 2B Matt Giles (#21-741)
- Newsome SP Jack Weber (#21-742)
- Lennard 3B Logan Covey makes a catch (#21-743)
- Wolves Matt Giles connects on a hit (#21-744)
- Lennard OF John Smith flips the ball to the mound (#21-745)
- Newsome 3B Casey Maloney throws across the diamond (#21-746)
- Wolves HC Dick Rohrberg holds a mound meeting. (#21-747)
- Wolves SP Jack Weber (#21-748)
- Lennard SP Jack Mueller (#21-749)
- Newsome P Wade Walton (#21-750)
- Longhorns SS Andrew Gingrich (#21-751)
- Wolves SS Lucas Phelps (#21-752)
- Wolves P Brady Carroll (#21-753)
- Longhorns P Jack Mueller (#21-754)
- Newsome C Ethan McSpadden throws down to third (#21-755)
- Newsome P Wade Walton (#21-756)
- Lennard Jaiden Mecado takes his lead behind Newsome 1B Evan Wainman (#21-757)
- Lennard’s Mercado slides into third (#21-758)
- Lennard P Tanner Elizondo (#21-759)
- Newsome’s Caeden Diaz (#21-760)
- Wolves Ryan Spitzer heads to the plate (#21-761)
- Caeden Diaz slides home for Newsome (#21-762)
- Newsome P Jacob Schlarbaum throw over (#21-763)
- Wolves C Ethan McSpadden (#21-764)
- Lennard’s John Smith slides safely into third (#21-765)
- Lennard’s Joseph Rivera connects (#21-766)
- Lennard’s Keith McClain greats John Smith after run scored (#21-767)
- Longhorns senior Keith McClain (#21-768)
- Lennard’s Sebastian Munoz (#21-769)
- Wolves P Jacob Schlarbaum (#21-770)
- Longhorns SS Andrew Gingrich throws to first (#21-771)
- Longhorns C Joseph Rivera stops a ball in the dirt (#21-772)
- Lennard P Tanner Elizondo (#21-773)
- Longhorns 1B Keith McClain settles under foul pop (#21-774)
- Wolves P Jacob Schlarbaum (#21-775)
- Lennard Kamran Patel swing (#21-776)
- Wolves P Ryan Spitzer throw over (#21-777)
- Longhorns P Logan Covey (#21-778)
- Newsome SS Nick Balasco under popfly (#21-779)
- Lennard P Logan Covey (#21-780)